
Mexico City

Mexico City is one of the world’s most densely populated cities and also one of its most vibrant and colourful. Once the ancient Aztec city of Tenochtitlan, the city was originally constructed over the ancient Lake Texcoco.


Known as the world’s silver capital, the small city of Taxco sits in an area sheltered by hills and mountains. Taxco is distinguished by its stone-paved lanes, traditional plazas and ancient houses with viceregal facades.


The ruins of Teotihuacan are among the most remarkable in Mexico. The Teotihuacan civilisation remains shrouded in mystery as the site was abandoned in the eighth century. The Aztecs believed that the gods created the universe in this ancient city.

Chichen Itza

A Chichen Itza was named one of the “New Seven Wonders of the World” and is the most visited of all Mayan sites. This ancient Mayan ruin is a rugged place of soaring pyramids, massive temples and startling carved columns.

Riviera Maya

The Riviera Maya is a natural paradise with pristine beaches and exotic wildlife. It is surrounded by caves, sinkholes and underground rivers. The translucent water is perfect for snorkelling and scuba diving.


In the Mexican state of Chiapas, verdant jungle parts to reveal ancient Mayan temples in Palenque, an archaeological wonderland and the most studied Mayan site.

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Mexican etiquette is strongly informed by the culture of social hierarchies and distance. These can exist along the lines of race and gender, but class distinctions regulate social interaction most decisively. It goes without saying that the different social hierarchies frequently run parallel. Generally speaking, Mexicans shake hands when they meet or in the case of two women meeting or a man and a woman meeting, kiss each other on the cheek once. In the case of close friends and on special occasions, such as New Year's Eve, Mexican men and women embrace each other, pat each other gently on the back, and then shake hands. This abrazo expresses confidentiality and the crucial value of trust. Because strangers cannot be placed within the different circles of intimacy and confidentiality they are generally treated with suspicion. When people of different socioeconomic status meet, the individual with the socially ascribed inferior status will wait for the person with superior status to define the terms of the encounter. Mexicans are very keen on being addressed with their academic or professional title. The most commonly used academic title is that of licenciado. The form of address of licenciado is more linked to the position someone holds than to that person's precise academic credentials. People of lower standing will also invariably address a socially superior with the      formal you (usted), while the latter will most likely use the informal you (tu). These forms of address draw boundaries, create distance, and confirm the social hierarchies so characteristic of the national culture. Mexicans value the art of eloquence. Conversations will mostly begin with polite and informal exchanges and slowly move toward the subject matter. Even then Mexicans remain indirect speakers, avoiding clear-cut statements. Politicians and senior bureaucrats are identified as the masters of this rhetorical style. They have become the object of irony in the hands of the famous comic Cantinflas, who by speaking a lot but saying nothing gave birth to the verb cantinflar.


Spanish 93%, Indigenous and Spanish 6%.


Please consult a medical practitioner or contact The Travel Doctor for your specific risk to these preventable diseases and the appropriate avoidance measures. Australians travelling to Mexico should also ensure that they have adequate travel insurance to cover the length of their stay. For further information please visit the Smartraveller website.


Electrical Plug: Japanese Voltage: 110-120 volts Modem Plug: USA


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Official travel advice is available by visiting the SmartTraveller Website


Country Code for Mexico: +52 Visa Global Assistance: 001 800 847 2911 Emergency Services: 066 Although there may be English speaking operators available, to avoid delay it is best to seek the assistance of a Spanish speaker to call the emergency service.


Mexico is well served by a number of supermarkets and hypermarkets. Most reasonable sized towns and all cities have at least one, and usually several, supermarkets to choose from. Local ambulant street market traders start trading at around 10am and will start to pack their stalls away from about 4pm. Some markets stay open late and even keep selling into the night, but they tend to be those selling durable goods and prepared foods. Shopping hours in Mexico vary by the type of store and the size of the town or city you are in. Generally speaking, Mexican stores offer shoppers extended opening hours and many stores are open on Sundays, too.


Workers in small, economy restaurants usually do not expect a significant tip. However, tipping in Mexico is common in larger, medium and higher end restaurants. It is customary in these establishments to tip not less than 10% but not more than 15% of the bill as a voluntary offering for good service based on the total bill before value added tax, "IVA" in English, VAT. Value added tax is already included in menu or other service industry pricing since Mexican Consumer Law requires the exhibition of final costs for the customer. Thus, the standard tip in Mexico is 11.5% of the pre-tax bill which equates to 10% after tax in most of the Mexican territory, except in special lower tax stimulus economic zones.

Getting Around

Distances in Mexico can be huge, and if you’re intending to travel on public transport, you should be prepared for some very long journeys. Getting from Tijuana to Mexico City, for example, can take nearly two days nonstop by bus. Although public transport at ground level is frequent and reasonably efficient everywhere, taking an internal flight at least once may be worthwhile for the time it saves.

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